Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Mapping Social Networks White Paper

I've just released a new Mapping Social Networks White Paper: Exploring Twitter Factions and Open Networks. Using the example of the Twitter network of @LookBackMaps, I look at patterns within that network as well as details on the methodology and how-to.


An analysis of the Twitter network of user @LookBackMaps reveals a tight knit community of people interested in making historical collections more accessible, interactive, and interesting to the general public. Social Network Analysis and mapping reveals two distinct factions of key players, those in the digital humanities, and those in the museum world. Tools used included custom Javascripts, the Twitter API, Microsoft Excel, and Analytic Technologies’ NetDraw. This article examines the methodology used to collect 1st and 2nd degree network nodes related to @LookBackMaps, and what kind of information was gleaned from the analysis of this data.

Download: Exploring Twitter Factions and Open Networks


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